Vacation Is Important!

Stream near our campsite at Imagination Mountain in Cosby, TN.

Stream near our campsite at Imagination Mountain in Cosby, TN.

“Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind” - Seneca

Unsolicited Life Philosophy

Over the years, we have found the above quote to be quite true. At times when work or life seem the most overwhelming, it is often not the situation that is the problem but the reality you have created in your own mind. When you get a chance to step away and settle or push away the worries, you create space to reflect and look at things from angles you may not have previously considered. The variety of inputs you allow into your mind makes room for creativity to take root and infuse itself into your daily thinking. The brain often has a way of working things out on its own when we let our consciousness get out of the way. For example…maybe you’ve solved a problem or invented something new in a dream; in the middle of a random conversation you have remembered a person’s name you were trying to come up with two days ago; etc.

For us, vacation often serves as a reminder to stop focusing on the things we cannot control (or do not yet have a plan for) and instead be appreciative of the things we have accomplished and the areas where we are most fortunate. It’s too easy to get bogged down in negative thinking, especially when you’re tired or others around you are struggling. However, it’s important to recognize when this is happening and work to change things up to clear your head. If you can’t take a vacation, take a few hours to do something you enjoy (e.g., arts & crafts, hiking, etc.). The benefits of even a few hours can be quite amazing.

Anyway…the aim of this ramble is not to impart new wisdom or insight (as this has all been said before), but simply provide a reminder to make time for yourself (and do it in a healthy way). In our experience, when you think there is no time to step away, that is often when you need it the most. This doesn’t mean run away and it doesn’t have to be anything grand, just take a small break. That said…we’re certainly not therapists and recognize this is easier said than done; we just wanted to share our musings. ;-)

Onward…to vacation stories!

Our vacation week in the Smoky Mountains was amazing and truly nourishing for both the body and soul. We had a nice balance of adventure and relaxation, which is actually rare for us. Usually we’re always on the run (with Scott making us climb all sorts of random structures), but we had the luxury of slowing down this time around since we knew we would be in the area for a few weeks. We are so happy we chose the Smokies as our first major stop on this crazy adventure!

Our primary objective with this vacation was long, overdue relaxation! The last several months have been spent preparing for this adventure and handling issues as they arise, which (as you can image) was a bit draining. Working full time while planning a lifestyle change, and then waiting 5 weeks after your departure to take vacation is madness! Therefore, it was nice to finally be in a place where we could enjoy the fruits of our labor. We made a campfire nearly every night, read books, sorted through pictures, talked to neighbors, played games at our campground, went into town for dinner; etc. Of course, we got out for some hiking adventures as well! Mission accomplished…it was GREAT!

Our campground, Imagination Mountain, was family friendly and full of surprises! It was the perfect place to unwind, as we had a stream-side site with full hookups (water, sewer, and electric). The babbling brook lulled us to sleep each evening and provided the perfect peaceful backdrop for journaling, reading, and chatting by the campfire.


Day 1 - After sleeping in a bit late (it is vacation after all) we headed into the mountains in pursuit of waterfalls. We selected three trails that we thought would fit the bill for our first day of adventure. I won’t elaborate on our journey in this post, as it is all covered in our Smoky Quest: Waterfall Hunt post. That’s right…we managed to publish two posts on the same day!

Day 2 - The first half of the day we relaxed by the stream: reading, journaling, and catching up on social media (had to get a few pics out from the day before). In the afternoon, we decided to explore our campground and had so much fun! We meandered through the mix of smalls cabins, tent sites, RV sites, and yurts available throughout the campground. For those unfamiliar with yurts (pictured above, on the right), they are round structures that look a bit like circus tents, combining the features of tents, huts, and homes for glamping (camping with more luxurious accommodations). Very trendy! Eventually, we made our way to an area that spoke to our inner child…an area of games! Most notably…putt-putt! Scott was also excited to see the life-size chess board. We played some outdoor games and then relaxed in the cove of hammocks. We noticed there was an upstairs to the lodge / main office, so we decided to check it out. Guess what…more games! We spotted the connect four game and had to give it a try. Scott won, of course (he always wins games). The game room was bright and fun, but also included a more quiet area for those more inclined to read.





Sunrise at Cades Cove

Sunrise at Cades Cove

Day 3 - Feeling refreshed from the day before, we decided to get an early start and arrive at Cades Cove before sunrise (about an hour drive from our campground). For those that know us well, you’ll know this is quite an accomplishment, as we are NOT morning people. None-the-less, we’re so glad we did it! The view of the sun rising over the mountains was breathtaking! The loop trail/drive was full of mist in the early morning, but soon gave way to the warmth of the sun and provided the backdrop for some beautiful pictures. We made two rounds through the park, seeing: horses, turkey, deer, elk, and…black bears! We’ll publish a separate post all about Cades Cove, including some of the great creature pics Scott was able to capture.

All our driving and picture taking worked up an appetite, and we needed good fuel for the second half of our day. Therefore, we headed to Three Jimmy’s Good Time Eatery, where we met and had great conversation with a really sweet couple (Kenny & Robin) while consuming our Medi-Veggie sandwiches (yum!). Next, we made the drive up to Clingmans Dome to hike to Andrews Bald. We won’t get into all of the details of the hike here, as we’re saving that for a dedicated post. Therefore, I will simply say that if you decide to hike Andrews Bald and are out of shape (like we are at the moment), do not believe the trail guide that tells you this is a medium hike. Maybe it is, but just be prepared for a LOT of uphill hiking on the way out. More of a description to come in a future post. :-) We celebrated our survival with a Holy Shitake Pie from Mellow Mushroom (our latest obsession). Sooo good! Look it up and try it!

Andrews Bald

Andrews Bald

Mamma bear and her cub at Cades Cove.

Mamma bear and her cub at Cades Cove.

Not a zoomed in picture. This was taken by Traci on the motor nature loop as we drove by in our doorless Jeep. The bear was more interested in the vegetation, but still a tad scary.

Not a zoomed in picture. This was taken by Traci on the motor nature loop as we drove by in our doorless Jeep. The bear was more interested in the vegetation, but still a tad scary.

Day 4 - After a morning of relaxation, we took the doors off of the Jeep, put the top down, and drove the Roaring Fork Motor Nature Loop. The drive through the woods is beautiful, with multiple pull-overs for hiking trails, scenic pictures, or to let others pass (if you are slow rolling like us). About half of the loop follows a stream, which is beautiful to both see and hear (and makes for great pictures, especially from the bridges). It was amazing to see the new growth in the area, as when we were on this road two years ago a big swath of the forest had been consumed by fire.

It is drives like this that make us so happy we decided to purchase a Jeep as our tow vehicle, as you truly feel like you are a part of nature as you travel. The one downside…encountering a bear on your side of the road (with no door). Yep; that happened! We’ll tell that story in a separate post (along with other pics and tales of our visit).

To unwind, we filled our bellies with Mexican food and margaritas, listening to live music on the rooftop of Loco Burro. It’s a great spot for people watching and the drinks are quite tasty. It was a great last night of vacation in Gatlinburg.

Day 5 - We packed up and drove 22 miles to Pigeon Forge, where we would stay for the next four weeks. We thoroughly enjoyed our time at Imagination Mountain and are grateful for the adventures we got to experience while on vacation.

If you’ve never been to the Smokies, we highly recommend a visit. There is so much to see and do!

Before you leave our site, don’t forget to check out our Smoky Quest: Waterfall Hunt! You can also see more cute bear pictures in our Smoky Bear Sightings post.

our next post…

In our next post, we’ve highlighted the treasure trove of activities to be found along the Newfound Gap Road (visitor center, trails, Clingmans Dome, and Andrews Bald).
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