Rocky Mountain National Park


September 15 - 29, 2019

Blog Highlights:

  1. Elk Rut!

  2. Old Fall River Road & Trail Ridge Road

  3. Lakes & Trails

  4. Brewery Visits

Traci’s parents joined us in Estes Park, CO and we were able to take a few vacation days to squeeze in a bit more adventures than usual. We had a great time and plan to return!

1. Elk Rut

We were lucky enough to stumble upon and briefly experience the elk rut in Colorado three years ago, during a visit in September. Little did we know, this is an annual event that typically occurs from mid-September to mid-October. It was such an amazing experience that we knew we had to return for more, and boy are we glad we did!

The Elk Rut is easily our second top experience in our journeys thus far (just behind the Synchronous Firefly Event - which you can read about in our Smoky Mountains: Top Experience post).

For those not familiar with what happens during the elk rut, the following pictures provide an extremely simplified overview (see the captions for details).

Long story short…both male and female elk are looking for opportunities to pass their genes on to future calves.

The best part about the elk rut is listening to the male (Bull) elks bugle. Each has a unique sound and the intricacies of different tones is incredible. One of our favorite moments was pulling over on the side of the road just after dark, putting the top down on the Jeep, and sitting there listening to the beautiful and haunting bugles of the night. Much like the synchronous fireflies, it is a moment that cannot be captured, you just have to experience it for yourself.

A quick, pictorial overview:

Male elk (Bulls) aspire to join / lead a Harem (group of female elk - Cows), to increase their odds of mating during the female’s estrus ("heat”).  Each female may only have four estrus cycles per season during the rut, so Bulls must stay alert and …

Male elk (Bulls) aspire to join / lead a Harem (group of female elk - Cows), to increase their odds of mating during the female’s estrus ("heat”).
Each female may only have four estrus cycles per season during the rut, so Bulls must stay alert and ready.

Bulls bugle to attract the attention of Cows and/or challenge other Bulls.  A Cow can assess the age, strength, and distance of a Bull by his bugle alone. Cows are attracted to stronger and older Bulls, in hopes that their offspring will have the sa…

Bulls bugle to attract the attention of Cows and/or challenge other Bulls.
A Cow can assess the age, strength, and distance of a Bull by his bugle alone.
Cows are attracted to stronger and older Bulls, in hopes that their offspring will have the same strength & longevity.
As a result…Bulls must often fight to keep their harem.
In the picture above, a Bull is shepherding a Cow back to the Harem after she expressed interest in a neighboring Bull.

The bugle of this anxious (cocky?) Bull attracted the attention of a larger Bull nearby and a battle for dominance began.

The bugle of this anxious (cocky?) Bull attracted the attention of a larger Bull nearby and a battle for dominance began.

The proud Bull with the newest members of his Harem.

The proud Bull with the newest members of his Harem.

The younger / less mature Bull on the left was regularly strutting and bugling to discourage or challenge other Bulls.Here, he is trying to assert dominance and drive away a competitor, in an attempt to keep his Cows from leaving for the stronger (m…

The younger / less mature Bull on the left was regularly strutting and bugling to discourage or challenge other Bulls.

Here, he is trying to assert dominance and drive away a competitor, in an attempt to keep his Cows from leaving for the stronger (more mature) Bull.

The larger Bull won, running the other off and taking over his Harem.

The larger Bull won, running the other off and taking over his Harem.

Sad Bull, all alone and looking for his next opportunity. (Note: Elk can be unpredictable at this time, so it is extremely important to keep your distance and stay aware. In this picture, a Park ranger is explaining to a visitor that he must retreat…

Sad Bull, all alone and looking for his next opportunity.
(Note: Elk can be unpredictable at this time, so it is extremely important to keep your distance and stay aware. In this picture, a Park ranger is explaining to a visitor that he must retreat from the field until the Elk is a safe distance away).

Don’t worry…we were a safe distance away; that’s the beauty of a zoom lens. Just look at that beautiful meadow (Moraine Park)! We were blessed with nice weather.

Don’t worry…we were a safe distance away; that’s the beauty of a zoom lens. Just look at that beautiful meadow (Moraine Park)! We were blessed with nice weather.

When visiting during the rut, please drive slow and stay aware. There are elk everywhere at this time, and you don’t want to be the person that takes out a herd of elk crossing the road.

The entrance to the national park is a frequent gathering place for the elk.

The entrance to the national park is a frequent gathering place for the elk.

They are such amazing animals and we’re so glad we had another chance to experience the rut.

They are such amazing animals and we’re so glad we had another chance to experience the rut.

Scotty taking a picture of a Cow on the side of the road.

Scotty taking a picture of a Cow on the side of the road.

This guy, however, was NOT happy with Scott’s camera. He followed us and stared us down until we left.

This guy, however, was NOT happy with Scott’s camera. He followed us and stared us down until we left.

This group came running down the hill as we were driving by.

This group came running down the hill as we were driving by.

And they frequently visit the golf course next to the hotel my parents were staying at while visiting us.

And they frequently visit the golf course next to the hotel my parents were staying at while visiting us.

The resulting photo. Thankfully this cow didn’t mind the photo shoot.

The resulting photo. Thankfully this cow didn’t mind the photo shoot.

Here are a few Cows in the Harem that he was protecting. I guess he was unhappy that Scotty caught their interest.

Here are a few Cows in the Harem that he was protecting. I guess he was unhappy that Scotty caught their interest.

We even had visitors in our campground!

We even had visitors in our campground!


2. Old Fall River Road & Trail Ridge Road

Trail Ridge Road is a two-way, 48 mile paved road within the Rocky Mountain National Park that climbs up to 12,183 feet (at the highest elevation). It winds past the Alpine Visitor Center and on around the park as Highway 34. The temperature at the top is approximately 20 degrees cooler than in Estes Park, so layer appropriately. On our drive in September, we experienced flurries of snow at the top and high winds. Crazy!

Old Fall River Road is a one-way gravel road that ends at the Alpine Visitor Center. Both drives have amazing views of the surrounding mounts, but there are opportunities to get out and explore some creeks and waterfalls along the river road.

The Alpine Visitor Center is a nice stop at the top to use the restroom, catch your breath, and step out onto the back deck to soak in the beautiful surroundings.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have lung problems, please acclimate yourself to high elevation before driving either of these roads and consult with a ranger before departing (especially on Old Fall River Road - since it is one way). You are climbing several feet in a short period of time, so it is not uncommon to feel some shortness of breath at the top. Take it slow and moderate your activity accordingly.

Old Fall River Road

Old Fall River Road

A few stops along the way, with trails to stretch your legs.

A few stops along the way, with trails to stretch your legs.

Yes, that is snow. It was cold and windy at the top, but well worth it!

Yes, that is snow. It was cold and windy at the top, but well worth it!

More waterfalls!

More waterfalls!

Inside the Alpine Visitor Center. The view is breathtaking!

Inside the Alpine Visitor Center. The view is breathtaking!

This little guy didn’t mind the cold at the top. He found some green patches to nibble on.

This little guy didn’t mind the cold at the top. He found some green patches to nibble on.

Wire frameworks are periodically present to help keep the rubble away.

Wire frameworks are periodically present to help keep the rubble away.


3. Lakes & Trails

Sprague Lake

Popular destination for sunrise photography and trying to spot a moose. We tried to find moose at varied times and failed.

Popular destination for sunrise photography and trying to spot a moose. We tried to find moose at varied times and failed.

Early morning start…waiting for the sunrise.

Early morning start…waiting for the sunrise.


Lily Lake

The lake is beautiful during the day and at sunset.

The lake is beautiful during the day and at sunset.


Bear Lake

The fall colors around Bear Lake were incredible!

The fall colors around Bear Lake were incredible!


Alberta Falls Trail

The trail climbs about 200 feet, providing scenic views of the surrounding area and rewards hikers with a serene 30 foot waterfall.

The trail climbs about 200 feet, providing scenic views of the surrounding area and rewards hikers with a serene 30 foot waterfall.

The view from the top was incredible! We loved seeing the fall colors starting to pop.

The view from the top was incredible! We loved seeing the fall colors starting to pop.

Please forgive the grainy picture. As usual, we were on the trail late in the day and darkness was descending upon us. We were excited to have made it to the top though!

Please forgive the grainy picture. As usual, we were on the trail late in the day and darkness was descending upon us. We were excited to have made it to the top though!

Estes Park Riverwalk

This is a flat, easy trail that meanders through local shops and restaurants in town. There are several great places along the path to stop for food and/or a drink.


4. Brewery Visits

There are a vast number of breweries in Colorado. Unfortunately, we did not get pictures from all of the breweries we visited, but we have included a list below and a few select pictures.


Side Note: Our main reason for voyaging to Nederland was to enjoy a beer or cocktail at The Sundance Cafe. We were there years ago and loved the view. Sadly, they were undergoing renovations and were closed, but we recommend a visit when they reopen.

Lumpy Ridge Brewery resides in a converted gas station. It has a humble, unassuming exterior, but their beers are something to boast about. We love the art and eclectic style, as most things inside and out include repurposed materials.

Lumpy Ridge Brewery resides in a converted gas station. It has a humble, unassuming exterior, but their beers are something to boast about. We love the art and eclectic style, as most things inside and out include repurposed materials.

Scotty getting a peak at the pig being prepared for the upcoming pig roast.

Scotty getting a peak at the pig being prepared for the upcoming pig roast.

To be fair…we didn’t stop here, but we loved the look!

To be fair…we didn’t stop here, but we loved the look!

Traci’s shirt is from Equinox Brewing. Picture taken at Odell Brewing Co.

Traci’s shirt is from Equinox Brewing. Picture taken at Odell Brewing Co.

Traci’s dad sharing a drink with the Funkwerks kitty.

Traci’s dad sharing a drink with the Funkwerks kitty.

Jessup Farms Barrel House - elegant but cozy style inside and out.

Jessup Farms Barrel House - elegant but cozy style inside and out.

Pit Stops & Encounters


Breweries - See list above in #4 (Brewery Visits).

